April 14, 2016

Civic engagement has always been important at Hampton. Through informed and active participation, we believe all Hampton employees can improve conditions for others and help shape the future of a community. Civic engagement, which includes participation in community organizations, service on school boards, and of course, voting, makes our communities and our company stronger.

Local elections often have more of an impact on Hampton operations than high-profile national issues do.

While there is understandably considerable focus on national issues with this being a presidential election year in the United States, I want to remind you that local elections often have more of an impact on Hampton operations than high-profile national issues do.In addition to improving the communities we live in, active civic engagement among employees can also raise awareness about our industry and enable the consideration and adoption of information and policies that help our business grow and thrive.

Local elections for County Commissioner positions can influence how state forests are managed and, therefore, how much timber can be harvested off those lands. In Washington, elected officials that oversee and help manage the Department of Natural Resources, including the Commissioner of Public Lands and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, have an immense impact on forest and trust lands. Here in Oregon, those we elect to representative us in the State Legislature will have a say in how private timberland is managed in the state through the Oregon Forest Practices Act.

By engaging in local elections, you can have an enormous impact on the political environment in which we operate. For this reason, it is so important that we all actively engage in every local election cycle.



All voting in Oregon and Washington is by mail-in ballot.


Primary Election:
May 17, 2016

General Election:
November 8, 2016


Primary Election:
May 24, 2016

General Election:
November 8, 2016

Voter registration cards are available in your HR office or online:



British Columbia

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